Pipeline Close-Up
Pipeline Installation Photographs The following image is a close-up of a pipeline in Eastern Ohio that was being installed in the early fall of 2017. You can see the welded section (red), the remainder of the pipe (green), and the markings done by welding inspectors. In this instance you can see the word ‘repair’ along with some specific references to dates and inspector numbers. On my...Read More

Pipeline Construction Issues
As a pipeline attorney, I spend a lot of time impressing upon potential clients the importance of having a rock-solid pipeline contract (this can be an Easement or Right-of-Way). The importance of a thorough, specific pipeline contract cannot be overstated. There is something else I say that often surprises landowners, and that is, “no matter how solid I make the contract, neither of us can...Read More
Things Land Agents Say – Part Two
This is a second post in a series describing common promises or other statements land agents make to entice landowners to signing leases, easements, or other agreements relating to oil and gas or pipeline transactions. Click here to view part one. “The crops will grow right over it, you won’t even know it’s there!” While the first part of this statement may be true, the second part is a...Read More
Things Land Agents Say
Things that Land Agents Say – Part One Part Two can be viewed here. Today I thought I would write some of the things that I’ve heard land agents say to entice landowners to sign oil and gas documents. Part One will cover things that are not specific to a particular type of oil and gas contract, meaning that you could hear these phrases in lease, well-pad, pipeline, or other oil and gas...Read More
Will Contests in Ohio – Frequently Asked Questions
If you expected an inheritance from a loved one but did not receive it, or received less than anticipated, you may have a good reason to challenge the deceased person’s last will and testament. Challenging the validity of a will is commonly called a “will contest,” and the person who created the will is called the “testator.” Who may contest a testator’s...Read More
Oil and Gas Protection Leases – A Good Idea?
What’s a Protection Lease? Suppose there is an issue with the title to minerals under a 100 acre farm and it is clear that either Party A owns those minerals or Party B owns them. Suppose further that this farm sits in the middle of a planned unit for a horizontal Utica shale well. What can an oil and gas producer do to fix that situation? More frequently, producers are using...Read More